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Artistic Style Full Page Background Tiles: Page 15

To view a background image tiled on a web page, click the background image you want to see.

Note: Many of these background images are best suited to be used on a page where the content is centered on the page in a table with a background color. Many of the images are not intended for displaying text directly on the background image.

ยป Terms of Service




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Terms of Service

The Terms of Service are quite liberal and serve the common good. There are only three simple rules, but if you'd prefer not following the Terms of Service you may purchase a site license that exempts you from these requirements.
  1. To use any images from the BoogieJack.com archive you must provide a link back to this site from any publicly accessible page on the site where the image is used. It can be as simple as:

    <a href="http://www.boogiejack.com">BoogieJack.com</a>

    Or you can use any of the link options you'll find in my Link Center. You may also have a link back to your site from mine. Visit the Link Center for information on obtaining a reciprocal link.
  2. You may only use the images in the actual design of your site. You may not add them to an image archive or make them publicly available in any medium other than by providing a link to this site.
  3. You may not link directly to the images on my server to have them display on your site. Download the images you want to use and upload them to your own web space. If you don't know how to do that you'll find tutorials for it in my web design section.
That's it! It's easy to live with and it helps us both with the reciprocal links.
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See my fancy bottom! :)