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Free Reports GoldmineIf you type "free report" into Google you'll soon see there are millions of search results!Do you know why?
In just 44 meaty pages, Free Reports Goldmine will show you how to make money, drive traffic, and grow your mailing list giving away your own free reports. In Free Reports Goldmine you will:
Here's Why Your Site Doesn't Get Much Traffic...About two years ago Google announced they had indexed over one trillion web pages!One TRILLION web pages—and growing. How are you dealing with all that competition? Wait, let me guess...
Here's the grim reality—if you're doing no more than what 99 percent of other webmasters are doing, your site just doesn't have a very good chance to succeed. This is easy to understand . . . with trillions of web pages competing for a limited number of visitors, that means the odds are impossibly stacked against your success—unless you make the right choice. Do you want your site to succeed?Because success or failure is truly up to you. If you want your site to succeed you have to do more than what most everyone else does—but it isn't about just doing more, it's also about doing the right things rather than wasting your time doing things that don't really matter.Free Reports Goldmine isn't just about giving away free reports, it's also about creating your own success story! I did it, you can too. There's nothing more you have to buy, but it gets even better...Order today and I'll include my 28-page Traffic Generation Tactics that I originally wrote for my newsletter subscribers.I'm also including two special reports, Get Paid to Write Articles and Easy Web Site Money. I sell these reports every day for $10.00 each as you can see from each product's sales page—and I've sold a lot of these reports on their own merit. By the way . . . the four primary ways of promoting your free reports (or your web site) are all completely FREE! Let's recap what you get...
PS - Do you even want more website traffic, more money, or more subscribers to your mailing list?
If so, you simply must start using the viral nature of free reports to start a flood of new visitors to your website! Your satisfaction is guaranteed or you get your money back, no questions asked. I take all the risk because I'm confident you'll discover the traffic-getting, money-getting, subscriber-getting secrets you need right here, right now. |
Inside Free Reports Goldmine you'll discover:
As you can see, there is a lot of good info packed into this ebook. Are you ready to take your online efforts to the next level? If you do what you've always done, you'll get the same results you've always gotten. That's only common sense—you just can't walk down the same path and expect to come out at a different place. There are very few things you can do to promote your website at zero cost that are as effective as giving away free reports—if you know how to do it right.
If you have the Google toolbar installed you're probably familiar with Page Rank. Google ranks how important a page is from 1-10, the higher the number, the more important the site.
A sites index page is the primary page to check for page rank. Most sites rank 3 or less. Here's how Google ranks a few sites that you probably know about:
If you go to my front page you'll see this site has a Page Rank of 6, so Google ranks my site as more important than The Washington Times, Fark, NoNags.com, Internet.com, PC Magazine, and ZZ Top! I'm not telling you that to brag, I'm telling you that for your own good. The point is... I didn't get there by hoping to get lucky. I do two things to earn that awesome page rank. I optimize my site for the search engines, and I do what I teach in Free Reports Goldmine. That should convince you how important it is to do more than hoping to get lucky. Your success awaits you. By the way, I also have an ebook that teaches real search engine optimization titled SEO for YOU. This site enjoys dozens of number one rankings and a ton of first page rankings at all the important search engines. NOTE: Free Reports Goldmine is FREE with the purchase of SEO for YOU. If you're ready start winning the battle for website visitors order now, or take a look at SEO for YOU first! They are perfect complements to each other. |
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